One thing happened in real life, one thing happened on the internet and one thing happened in the news.
In real life, Angry Bird has decided to give Baby Woo the odd bottle of formula. Please put your shocked face away. On the internet I got into some debates about a BBC article on breastfeeding rates that I found deeply offensive in its use of language. In the news, the General Synod of the Church of England voted against having female bishops. Put your shocked face back on if you like.
God and Boobies
Much as the internet is awash with commentary on the subject, I feel like I should probably make some mention of the Church of England sort of voting against women bishops. But the whole thing is so obviously absurd that there doesn't seem much to say about it. The Bible doesn't say that the Church shouldn't involve women - well it does if you read it that way I suppose but then if you want to play that game you can make the Bible say whatever you want it to say. The basic principles of Christianity are the equality of all in the eyes of God, we can't judge other people because that's God's job and we should just be nice to everyone (but especially nice to God). So it seems pretty un-Christian to deny women any rights quite frankly. But there is no need to even say that because most people agree. It's just unfortunate that there are enough of a minority who don't agree for it to be upheld as a rule. Go men, I'm sure Jesus'll love your attitude.Now that's said I can talk babies and God! Two of my favourite topics because it's the two things I know most about. Well, two of the things I think most regularly about...
God was invented by Aristotle. Yes he was. You can't deny it to be honest, there were gods about before but it was all rather tragically disorganised before Aristotle cleared it all up for everyone. Cunningly he managed to do this without living in a world where monotheism was all that much of an option or where Christianity was even a twinkle in the Virgin's eye. Aristotle invented most things, although the Dutch will claim it was them. Aristotle deffo wasn't Dutch. He may have invented the Dutch.
A very brief (this will totally get to babies soon) bit about a little bit of his Philosophy goes thus:
Everything is what it is because of its four causes. If you want to understand what something is, find out what its causes are and then you'll know. That's science. Aristotle also invented science.
Cause 1: The Material Cause. (what is it made of? Let's do science by finding out!)
Cause 2: The Formal Cause (what form does it take? You can think of it as being what shape it takes if you like)
Cause 3: The Efficient Cause (what made the material take that form? That involves tools and workmanship)
Cause 4: The Final Cause (why is it? What is it for? Partly you can think of this as its function, but more specifically it is to do with purpose. This is the clincher. Everything has a purpose. A pencil is for writing, that's what it's for, great! But it all gets a bit more complicated when you look at more complicated things like people, obviously. Don't think about this for too long, you might hurt yourself or else lose your mind. It's ok, mostly we've let it go now outside of organised religion)
When Aristotle did science he said we should be trying to find the meaning of why things were what they were and what they were for.
Let's think about breasts,
you see where this is going?
More to the point, Aristotle (although he wasn't talking about breasts at the time) said that for something to be good it should be good at being what it is.
Breasts are good if they are good at doing what it is that breasts are good at.
You see where this is going?
This eventually becomes a moral condition when Thomas Aquinas squishes all of this Aristotle into his analysis of the Bible and claims Aristotle for Christianity.
For something in nature to be morally good it should do what it is that it naturally does.
A consequence of this view in the Church was that natural was considered best. For a long time afterwards it was thought that pain relief in childbirth was a morally bad thing because it was not natural. This attitude is from an ancient thinker, interpreted by a medieval thinker, slammed into the modern world without much further critique.
There is STILL an overarching view among people, including government people, that natural childbirth is morally better than unnatural childbirth (ie having a Caesarian), that having no pain relief is morally better than having pain relief (why have an epidural when you can have a water birth?) and that breastfeeding is morally better than formula feeding.
I will completely completely acknowledge that real, proper, non-medieval science has shown the benefits of breastfeeding. It's all very lovely of course.
But the issue is not a moral one.
Be very wary oh readers of mine of those who claim that 'breast is best'. This is not a moral issue and mothers who don't breastfeed, who choose not to for whatever reason are allowed to make that choice and it is purely a practical one and never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever a moral one. Ever. Except maybe Never.
The scientific enlightenment bore us many geniuses, revolutions in thought, insights and freedoms that pre-enlightenment science never could have done. Its main tenet was the abandonment of the search for the Final Cause of things.
To look for what God has deemed the moral purpose of something is now unconditionally considered to be unscientific and so claims made on this matter are faith-claims and never knowledge claims.
All this 'purpose' language in science (yes Brian Cox, I'm talking to you, you big massive....rude swear word) must be abolished. That is a rant for another time, but I stand by the periphery point that I make to you now; to feed your child at all is certainly a moral issue, but how you choose to do that is not a moral question.
The difference is the same as that between kicking a puppy and kicking a pencil. Don't kick any puppies, that was just an illustration.
Ps. If it was you that I was debating about the BBC article don't be offended, I was really just struggling for a topic other than vomit. This isn't me going way overboard about making my point.
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